Business Car Lease Deals
Business contract hire or company car leasing is a cost effective way for businesses to run new vehicles without huge upfront investment.
The monthly payments are fixed for the term of the contract and include Road Tax.
Car leasing affords companies tax benefits. For VAT registered companies, a portion of the VAT may be reclaimed.
At the end of the lease contract the vehicle is simply handed back. Of course you have the option to extend the lease, or change the vehicle.
There will be nothing more to pay as long as you have not exceeded the agreed mileage, and the car is returned in good condition (in accordance with BVLA fair wear and tear guidelines).
CVS Ltd can provide a single car lease, a single van lease, or a fleet of lease vehicles.
We only lease to customers with bad credit score or no credit, so don’t let your credit rating stop you from taking one of our lease deals or offers. Talk to us about our car and van lease deals.