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Throwing litter is rubbish!

Car Littering

Published 28 March 2017


Rubbish on our roads

If there is one thing I cannot bare it is people throwing litter out of their cars, the other day I followed a car and literally the passenger was just chucking out paper wrappers, plastic bottles, and cans.  I was appalled and it made me wonder what are the laws if any and what can you do as a fellow road user to stop this behaviour.


What are the laws on throwing litter out of cars?

According to the highway code Rule 147 states ‘you MUST NOT throw anything out of a vehicle; for example, food or food packaging, cigarette ends, cans, paper or carrier bags. This can endanger other road users, particularly motorcyclists and cyclists.‘

It would seem that only London have a penalty in place for people who wish to throw litter from their cars, however this does not apply to rental vehicles or Taxi’s.  It is stated Under S61 of  London Local Authorities Acts 2007  ‘a London Borough can issue penalty charge notices for certain offences including, under Section 24 Littering from vehicles. This states that when a person inside a vehicle acts in contravention of EPA S87 (offence of leaving litter) the owner of the vehicle is liable.’ However not many of the borough councils actually make use of this.


Government Litter strategy

It has been reported that the government are working on a litter strategy which will see among other proposals, to see drivers of cars fined if litter is thrown from their cars.  The driver will be responsible even if it is a passenger littering.  The fines will be £60, which will increase to £200 for late payment and will be issued by the council. This will be under a civil law regime.


Enforcing the penalties against litter throwing

It is going to be very hard to police, let alone issue the fines.  However, I am sure the majority of people in England do not wish to see litter up and down roads.  Perhaps there should be a phone line or text number in order for you to whistle blow on offenders. The money collected in fines could go towards litter picking, instead of coming out of the council’s budget.  Its one of my biggest bug bares, and I am sure I am not alone.  My message to you.

Don’t chuck it out the window, when you have reached your destination put it in the bin!!! Its simple!!!

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